Faktori rizika za pogoršanje astme


Dušica Stanojev Jovanović, Vesna Kuruc, Svetlana Kašiković Lečić
Institut za plućne bolesti Sremska Kamenica


Bronhijalna astma predstavlja zdravstveni problem širom sveta. Morbiditet i mortalitet od ove bolesti raste u svim starosnim kategorijama. Brojni faktori dovode do pogoršanja već postojeće bolesti ili pojave bolesti kod već predisponiranih osoba. Uzrok pogoršanja se ne može uvek detektovati, ali veliki broj obolelih izdvaja određene ččinioce koji dovode do pogoršanja. Cilj rada je bio da utvrdimo koji faktori dovode do pogoršanja bronhijalne astme i u kolikoj meri. Studijom je obuvaćen 131 bolesnik koji je zbog pogoršanja astme hospitalizovan na Odeljenju za astmu, Instituta za plućne bolesti u Sremskoj Kamenici. Pacijenti su uglavnom žene, mlađe životne dobi. Pogoršanje izaziva izloženost alergenima i to grinjama, kućnoj prašini, polenima korova, trava i drveća. Najčešći uzročnik pogoršanja je promena vremena, aerozagađenje, fizički napor, duvanski dim, jake emocije i infekcija. Kolebanje atmosferskog pritiska, povećana vlažnost vazduha i sniženje temperature imaju velikog uticaja na zdravstveno stanje svih obolelih. Smanjenjem količine alergena u okruženju i edukacijom bolesnika o izbegavanju faktora pogoršanja astme postignuto je poboljšanje i prevođenje u lakše oblike bolesti u velikom broju slučajeva, a broj pogoršanja je sveden na minimum.

Ključne reči: bronhijalna astma, faktori rizika za pogoršanje


Bronchial asthma represents a major health problem all over the world. Both morbidity and mortality of asthma have been increasing in all age groups. There are numerous factors which cause an exacerbation of the already existing disease, or the disease onset in predisposed subjects. The exacerbation agent is not always easy to be detected, but most asthmatics report certain exacerbation-inducing factors. The objective of the study was to establish the factors inducing bronchial asthma exacerbation, as well as the severity of the induced exacerbation. The analysis included 131 patients admitted to the Asthma Department of the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases, Sremska Kamenica due to an exacerbation of the disease. The majority of the patients were females of younger age-groups. The exacerbation was induced by their exposure to certain allergens, primarily to house dust mites, house dust, weed, grass and tree pollens. Exacerbations were most commonly provoked by weather changes, air pollution, physical effort, cigarette smoke, stress and infection. Atmospheric pressure oscillations, elevated air humidity and low temperatures greatly affect asthmatics in general. By reducing the quantity of environmental allergens and by educating the asthmatics on avoiding asthma exacerbation risk factors, a better transformation to milder asthma forms has been achieved and the number of exacerbations reduced to the minimum.

Key words: bronchial asthma, asthma exacerbation risk factors

Dr sci. med. dr Dušica Stanojev Jovanović,
Odeljenje za hroničnu i rezistentnu tuberkulozu, Klinika za tuberkulozu i granulomatozne bolesti,
Institut za plućne bolesti, Sremska Kamenica


Izdavač  Respirona:  Institut  za  plućne  bolesti,  Sremska  Kamenica